Bullying Prevention and Reporting

Reporting Bullying
Parents and students may report bullying in several ways:
- Speaking directly with the principal or teacher
- Emailing the principal or teacher (emails are found HERE)
- Filling out this online bullying reporting form which may be done anonymously. Principal Scott Macklin will receive a notification when the form is completed.
Safe and Accepting Schools Team
Our school will have a diverse Safe and Accepting Schools Team, as part of our Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan. The Team’s responsibilities include fostering an anti-oppressive, anti-racist, anti-colonial, safe, inclusive, and accepting school culture, in part by reviewing and, where necessary, revising, and ensuring the implementation of the school’s Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan and the school’s Code of Conduct.
Safe and Caring Schools Team |
Chair: Scott Macklin |
Teachers: Kevin Kubusheskie |
Principal: Scott Macklin |
Students: names not published |
Non-Teaching Staff: Lisa Phelan (OA) |
Parents: Mia Hunt and Jennifer Whiteford |
Bullying and Intervention Plan
Summary of 2024-2025 School Goal(s):
Foster Safe Classroom and School Environments:
- In September of 2024 three of our staff members attended Restorative Practices training through the OCDSB. We have been using staff meetings to impart this knowledge upon the staff and beginning to change the way we resolve conflict and reflect on harm in the office. Specifically by using restorative questions when working with students and more generally using restorative language when discussing problems more informally. Classrooms have been using community circles (part of Restorative Practices) through the year as a way of building community and bonds, as well as creating social norms for the classrooms. They can also address behaviour both proactively and in responsively while giving students the language to discuss problems.
- Revisit what bullying is and what it isn’t, revisit WITS program and strategies on announcements and in daily morning community circles.
- Anti-Bullying Presentation - We are currently looking to book a presenter - we have several highly regarded
- Create a process whereby students and/or parents can report bullying to a person they feel confident will respond - This form is linked above.
Reviewing Policies and Procedures
- As a staff review the OCDSB’s Code of Conduct particularly section 5 “Standards of Conduct” as it relates to bullying and staff’s responsibilities when reporting happens.
- Review with staff the OCDSB’s Anti-Hate Toolkit to ensure that we are all addressing hateful language and actions when they occur.
Addressing Cyber Bullying
- 2024/2025 - Cyberbullying and Social Media Safety Workshop - Get Real Movement - grade 5 and 6 students - This dynamic workshop highlights the importance of mindful social media use, encouraging students to develop healthier habits for a positive digital environment and to become supportive allies in addressing online hate and cyberbullying.
- March 2025 - Looking into bringing this same workshop to all grade 4 students in the spring of 2025
Examples of school’s previous/ongoing bullying prevention initiatives:
- 2023/24 - Focus on WITS - encouraging students to walk away and seek help before situations escalate and potentially become violent - creating a school wide language that all staff and students can use
- 2023/24 - 2SLGBTQ+ inclusivity workshop - Get Real Movement - grade 5 and 6 students - Highlights human connections and utilizes empathy to promote 2SLGBTQ+ allyship, unlearn harmful language and focus on the impact we can have on one another through small acts of kindness
The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) recognizes that the most effective and sustainable means to addressing all forms of bullying is through a comprehensive, evidence-based approach that engages all individuals. All classroom, school, and system teaching and learning environments are committed to establishing and promoting safe, welcoming, inclusive, and accepting learning spaces where all feel a positive sense of self and of belonging.
The Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan is based upon the Ontario Ministry of Education’s updated Policy and Program Memorandum 144: Bullying Prevention and Intervention, and the requirements set out in this plan have been taken directly from PPM 144.
Bullying means aggressive and typically repeated behaviour by a pupil where,
A. The behaviour* is intended by the pupil to have the effect of, or the pupil ought to know that the behaviour would be likely to have the effect of:
- Causing harm, fear or distress to another individual, including physical, psychological, social or academic harm, harm to the individual’s reputation or harm to the individual’s property, or
- Creating a negative environment at a school for another individual, and
B. The behaviour* occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance between the pupil and the individual based on factors such as size, strength, age, intelligence, peer group power, economic status, social status, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, family circumstances, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, disability or the receipt of special education; (“intimidation”).
*behaviour includes the use of any physical, verbal, electronic, written or other means
Cyberbullying includes bullying by electronic* means, including:
- Creating a web page or a blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person;
- Impersonating another person as the author of content or messages posted on the internet; and,
- Communicating material electronically to more than one individual, or posting material on a website that may be accessed by one or more individuals.
*Electronic means includes, but is not limited to social media platforms, email, text or direct messaging, digital gaming platforms and/or other electronic communication platforms.
OCDSB web links:
Community Resources:
- kidshelpphone.ca
- Canadian Centre for Child Protection
- MediaSmarts: Resources for Parents and Caregivers
Ministry Resources: